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Basketball Player Statistics

National Basketball Association (NBA) & American Basketball Assocation (ABA)

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Basketball Historian's Database contains the statistics of players in the NBA and ABA through the 2004-05 season. Steals, blocked shots, and turnovers were not kept as official statistics until the 1970s and so may show as "0" for the early years. Just use our index above to find your favorite player or type the name in the search engine below.

First Name Last Name

Name Birthdate
Zarko Cabarkapa 5/21/1981
Barney Cable 7/29/1935
Jason Caffey 6/12/1973
Michael Cage 1/28/1962
Gerry Calabrese 2/4/1925
Adrian Caldwell 7/4/1966
Jim Caldwell 1/28/1943
Joe Caldwell 11/1/1941
Bill Calhoun 11/4/1927
Corky Calhoun 11/1/1950
Demetrius Calip 11/18/1969
Tom Callahan 6/2/1921
Rick Calloway 12/12/1966
Ernie Calverley 1/30/1924
Mack Calvin 7/27/1947
Dexter Cambridge 1/29/1970
Marcus Camby 3/22/1974
Elden Campbell 7/23/1968
Tony Campbell 5/7/1962
Larry Cannon 4/12/1947
Frank Card 12/28/1944
Brian Cardinal 5/2/1977
Howie Carl 6/7/1938
Chet Carlisle 11/2/1916
Geno Carlisle 8/13/1976
Rick Carlisle 10/27/1959
Don Carlos 3/3/1944
Al Carlson 9/17/1951
Don Carlson 3/22/1921
Bob Carney 8/3/1932
Bob Carpenter 11/6/1917
Antoine Carr 7/23/1961
Austin Carr 3/10/1948
Chris Carr 3/12/1974
Cory Carr 12/5/1975
Kenny Carr 8/15/1955
M.l. Carr 1/9/1951
Darel Carrier 10/26/1940
Bob Carrington 7/3/1953
Joe Barry Carroll 7/24/1958
Matt Carroll 8/28/1980
Jimmy Carruth 11/4/1969
Anthony Carter 6/16/1975
Butch Carter 6/11/1958
Fred Carter 2/14/1945
George Carter 1/10/1944
Howard Carter 10/26/1961
Jake Carter 7/25/1924
Maurice Carter 10/12/1976
Reggie Carter 10/10/1957
Ron Carter 8/31/1956
Vince Carter 1/26/1977
Bill Cartwright 7/30/1957
Jay Carty 7/4/1941
Cornelius Cash 3/3/1952
Sam Cash 11/13/1950
Sam Cassell 11/18/1969
Harvey Catchings 9/2/1951
Terry Catledge 8/22/1963
Sid Catlett 4/18/1948
Kelvin Cato 8/26/1974
Bobby Cattage 8/17/1958
Duane Causwell 5/31/1968
Ron Cavenall 4/30/1959
Cedric Ceballos 8/2/1969
John Celestand 3/6/1977
Al Cervi 2/12/1917
Lionel Chalmers 11/10/1980
Bill Chamberlain 12/16/1949
Wilt Chamberlain 8/21/1936
Jerry Chambers 7/18/1943
Tom Chambers 6/21/1959
Mike Champion 4/5/1964
Tyson Chandler 10/2/1982
Don Chaney 3/22/1946
John Chaney 2/29/1920
Rex Chapman 10/5/1967
Wayne Chapman 6/15/1945
Len Chappell 1/31/1941
Ken Charles 7/10/1951
Lorenzo Charles 11/25/1963
Calbert Cheaney 7/17/1971
Maurice Cheeks 9/8/1956
Phil Chenier 10/30/1950
Derrick Chievous 7/3/1967
Pete Chilcutt 9/14/1968
Josh Childress 6/20/1983
Randolph Childress 9/21/1972
Chris Childs 11/20/1967
Leroy Chollet 3/5/1925
Jim Chones 11/30/1949
Fred Christ 8/6/1930
Cal Christensen 7/8/1927
Bob Christian 5/11/1946
Doug Christie 5/9/1970
Steve Chubin 2/8/1944
Robert Churchwell 2/20/1972
Archie Clark 7/15/1941
Carlos Clark 8/10/1960
Dick Clark 1/5/1944
Keon Clark 4/16/1975
John Clawson 5/15/1944
Charles Claxton 12/13/1970
Speedy Claxton 5/8/1978
Jim Cleamons 9/13/1949
Mateen Cleaves 9/7/1977
John Clemens 5/1/1943
Nat Clifton 10/13/1922
Bill Closs 1/8/1922
Keith Closs 4/3/1976
Paul Cloyd 6/13/1920
Marion Cluggish 9/18/1917
Ben Clyde 6/10/1951
Richard Coffey 9/2/1965
Fred Cofield 1/4/1962
John Coker 10/28/1971
Ben Coleman 11/14/1961
Derrick Coleman 6/21/1967
E.c. Coleman 9/25/1950
Jack Coleman 5/23/1924
Norris Coleman 9/27/1961
Bimbo Coles 4/22/1968
Jason Collier 9/8/1977
Art Collins 4/14/1954
Don Collins 11/28/1958
Doug Collins 7/28/1951
James Collins 11/5/1973
Jarron Collins 12/2/1978
Jason Collins 12/2/1978
Jimmy Collins 11/24/1946
Nick Collison 10/26/1980
Joe Colone 1/23/1926
Sean Colson 7/1/1975
Steve Colter 7/24/1962
Glen Combs 10/30/1946
Leroy Combs 1/1/1961
John Comeaux 9/15/1943
Dallas Comegys 8/17/1964
Larry Comley 8/17/1939
Jeff Congdon 10/17/1943
Gene Conley 11/10/1930
Larry Conley 1/22/1944
Ed Conlin 9/2/1933
Marty Conlon 1/19/1968
Jimmy Conner 3/20/1953
Lester Conner 9/17/1959
Chuck Connors 4/10/1921
Anthony Cook 3/19/1967
Bert Cook 4/26/1929
Bobby Cook 4/1/1923
Brian Cook 12/4/1980
Darwin Cook 8/6/1958
Jeff Cook 10/21/1956
Norm Cook 3/21/1955
Omar Cook 1/28/1982
David Cooke 9/27/1963
Joe Cooke 8/14/1948
Chuck Cooper 9/29/1926
Duane Cooper 6/25/1969
Joe Cooper 9/1/1957
Michael Cooper 4/15/1956
Wayne Cooper 11/16/1956
Tom Copa 10/30/1964
Hollis Copeland 12/20/1955
Lanard Copeland 7/16/1965
Tyrone Corbin 12/31/1962
Chris Corchiani 3/28/1968
Ken Corley 5/10/1921
Ray Corley 1/1/1928
Dave Corzine 4/25/1956
Larry Costello 7/2/1931
Jack Cotton 10/15/1924
James Cotton 12/14/1975
John Coughran 9/12/1951
Mel Counts 10/16/1941
Steve Courtin 9/21/1942
Joe Courtney 10/17/1969
Bob Cousy 8/9/1928
Dave Cowens 10/25/1948
John Cox 12/29/1955
Johnny Cox 11/1/1936
Wesley Cox 1/27/1955
Chris Crawford 5/13/1975
Fred Crawford 12/23/1941
Jamal Crawford 3/20/1980
Jim Creighton 4/18/1950
Ron Crevier 4/14/1958
Hal Crisler 12/31/1923
Joe Crispin 7/18/1979
Charlie Criss 11/6/1948
Russ Critchfield 6/27/1946
Winston Crite 6/20/1965
Dillard Crocker 1/19/1925
Bobby Croft 8/10/1947
Jeffrey Crompton 7/4/1955
Terry Crosby 1/4/1957
Austin Croshere 5/1/1975
Jeff Cross 9/1/1961
Pete Cross 3/28/1948
Russell Cross 9/5/1961
Francis Crossin 7/4/1924
John Crotty 7/15/1969
Bill Crow 12/9/1940
Mark Crow 10/22/1954
Corey Crowder 4/13/1969
Al Cueto 8/2/1946
Pat Cummings 7/11/1956
Terry Cummings 3/15/1961
Vonteego Cummings 2/29/1976
Billy Cunningham 6/3/1943
Dick Cunningham 7/11/1946
Willi Cunningham 3/25/1974
Radisav Curcic 9/26/1965
Armand Cure 8/1/1919
Earl Cureton 9/3/1957
Bill Curley 5/29/1972
Fran Curran 9/19/1925
Dell Curry 6/25/1964
Eddy Curry 12/5/1982
Michael Curry 8/12/1968
Rastko Cvetkovic 6/22/1970

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