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Basketball Player Statistics

National Basketball Association (NBA) & American Basketball Assocation (ABA)

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Basketball Historian's Database contains the statistics of players in the NBA and ABA through the 2004-05 season. Steals, blocked shots, and turnovers were not kept as official statistics until the 1970s and so may show as "0" for the early years. Just use our index above to find your favorite player or type the name in the search engine below.

First Name Last Name

Name Birthdate
Luke Rackley 6/11/1946
Howie Rader 3/29/1921
Mark Radford 7/5/1959
Wayne Radford 5/29/1956
Dino Radja 4/24/1967
Vladimir Radmanovic 11/19/1980
Alex Radojevic 8/8/1976
Frank Radovich 3/3/1938
Moe Radovich 5/5/1929
Ray Radziszewski 3/1/1935
Ray Ragelis 12/10/1928
Sherwin Raiken 10/29/1928
Ed Rains 12/24/1956
Igor Rakocevic 3/29/1978
Kurt Rambis 2/25/1958
Peter Ramos 5/13/1985
Cal Ramsey 7/13/1937
Frank Ramsey 7/13/1931
Ray Ramsey 7/18/1921
Mark Randall 9/30/1967
Zachary Randolph 7/16/1981
Wally Rank 3/1/1958
Kelvin Ransey 5/3/1958
Sam Ranzino 6/21/1927
Bobby Rascoe 7/22/1940
Blair Rasmussen 11/13/1962
George Ratkovicz 11/13/1922
Ed Ratleff 3/29/1950
Mike Ratliff 6/7/1951
Theo Ratliff 4/17/1973
Leo Rautins 3/20/1960
Clifford Ray 1/21/1949
Don Ray 7/8/1921
Jamesearl Ray 7/27/1957
Jim Ray 1/12/1934
Jim Rayl 6/21/1941
Craig Raymond 4/5/1945
Connie Rea 1/27/1935
Joe Reaves 5/27/1950
Zeljko Rebraca 4/9/1972
Eldridge Recasner 12/14/1967
Michael Redd 8/24/1979
Frank Reddout 1/1/1931
Marlon Redmond 4/15/1955
Hub Reed 10/4/1936
Justin Reed 1/16/1982
Ron Reed 11/2/1942
Willis Reed 6/25/1942
Bryant Reeves 6/8/1973
Khalid Reeves 7/15/1972
Richie Regan 11/30/1930
Don Rehfeldt 1/7/1927
Billy Reid 9/10/1957
Don Reid 12/30/1973
J.r. Reid 3/31/1968
Jim Reid 8/3/1945
Robert Reid 8/30/1955
Jared Reiner 4/8/1982
Joseph Reiser 12/17/1914
Richard Rellford 2/16/1964
Terrence Rencher 2/19/1973
John Rennicke 8/11/1929
Rob Rensberger 3/7/1921
Efthimios Rentzias 1/11/1976
Shawn Respert 2/6/1972
Kevin Restani 12/23/1951
George Reynolds 11/23/1947
Jerry Reynolds 12/23/1962
Kendall Rhine 2/13/1943
Gene Rhodes 9/2/1927
Rodrick Rhodes 9/24/1973
Glen Rice 5/28/1967
Clint Richardson 8/7/1956
Jason Richardson 1/20/1981
Michealray Richardson 4/11/1955
Norm Richardson 7/24/1979
Pooh Richardson 5/14/1966
Quentin Richardson 4/13/1980
Mitch Richmond 6/30/1965
John Richter 3/12/1937
Dick Ricketts 12/4/1933
Isaiah Rider 3/12/1971
Jackie Ridgle 2/13/1948
Luke Ridnour 2/13/1981
Mel Riebe 7/12/1916
Bob Riedy 8/26/1945
Jim Riffey 12/14/1923
Antoine Rigaudeau 12/17/1971
Tom Riker 2/28/1950
Bob Riley 7/6/1948
Eric Riley 6/2/1970
Pat Riley 3/20/1945
Ron Riley 11/11/1950
Rich Rinaldi 8/3/1949
Mike Riordan 7/9/1945
Arnie Risen 10/9/1924
Goebel Ritter 2/26/1924
Ramon Rivas 6/3/1966
David Rivers 1/20/1965
Doc Rivers 10/13/1961
Austin Robbins 9/30/1944
Lee Robbins 2/11/1922
Rick Roberson 7/7/1947
Terrance Roberson 12/30/1976
Anthony Roberts 4/15/1955
Bill Roberts 3/3/1925
Fred Roberts 8/14/1960
Joe Roberts 5/18/1936
Marv Roberts 1/29/1950
Stanley Roberts 2/7/1970
Alvin Robertson 7/22/1962
Oscar Robertson 11/24/1938
Ryan Robertson 10/2/1976
Tony Robertson 1/1/1956
Rick Robey 1/30/1956
Chris Robinson 4/2/1974
Cliff Robinson 3/13/1960
Clifford Robinson 12/16/1966
David Robinson 8/6/1965
Eddie Robinson 4/10/1976
Flynn Robinson 4/28/1941
Glenn Robinson 1/10/1973
Jackie Robinson 5/20/1955
Jamal Robinson 12/27/1973
James Robinson 8/31/1970
Larry Robinson 1/11/1968
Oliver Robinson 3/13/1960
Ronnie Robinson 3/9/1951
Rumeal Robinson 11/13/1966
Sam Robinson 1/1/1948
Truck Robinson 10/4/1951
Wayne Robinson 4/19/1958
Wil Robinson 12/25/1949
Bernard Robinson Jr. 12/26/1980
Bill Robinzine 1/20/1953
Dave Robisch 12/22/1949
Red Rocha 9/18/1923
John Roche 9/26/1949
Gene Rock 11/4/1921
Jack Rocker 8/12/1922
Guy Rodgers 9/1/1935
Dennis Rodman 5/13/1961
Lou Roe 7/14/1972
Carlos Rogers 2/6/1971
Harry Rogers 12/31/1950
Johnny Rogers 12/30/1963
Marshall Rogers 8/27/1953
Rodney Rogers 6/20/1971
Roy Rogers 8/19/1973
Willie Rogers 9/11/1945
Al Roges 10/25/1930
Ken Rohloff 4/18/1939
Kenny Rollins 9/14/1923
Phil Rollins 1/19/1934
Tree Rollins 6/16/1955
Lorenzo Romar 11/13/1958
Jerry Rook 10/27/1943
Sean Rooks 9/9/1969
Jalen Rose 1/30/1973
Malik Rose 11/23/1974
Robert Rose 12/27/1964
Alexander Rosenberg 4/7/1918
Lennie Rosenbluth 1/22/1933
Hank Rosenstein 6/16/1920
Dick Rosenthal 1/20/1930
Quinton Ross 4/30/1981
Doug Roth 8/24/1967
Scott Roth 6/3/1963
Irv Rothenberg 12/31/1921
Mickey Rottner 3/23/1919
Dan Roundfield 5/26/1953
Giff Roux 6/28/1923
Ron Rowan 4/23/1962
Curtis Rowe 7/2/1949
Jim Rowinski 1/4/1961
Derrick Rowland 6/21/1959
Brian Rowsom 10/23/1965
Donald Royal 5/22/1966
Reggie Royals 6/13/1950
Bob Royer 10/15/1927
Clifford Rozier 10/31/1972
Guy Rucker 7/27/1977
Delaney Rudd 11/8/1962
John Rudd 8/7/1955
John Rudometkin 6/6/1940
Michael Ruffin 1/21/1977
Trevor Ruffin 9/26/1970
Paul Ruffner 10/15/1948
Joe Ruklick 8/3/1938
Jeff Ruland 12/16/1958
Bob Rule 6/29/1944
Jerry Rullo 6/23/1923
Stefano Rusconi 10/2/1968
Kareem Rush 10/30/1980
Bill Russell 2/12/1934
Bryon Russell 12/31/1970
Campy Russell 1/12/1952
Cazzie Russell 6/7/1944
Frank Russell 4/17/1949
Pierce Russell 12/13/1949
Rubin Russell 11/7/1944
Walker Russell 10/26/1960

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