First Professional Basket Ball League Game Dec 2 1898
Newspaper Clipping from the Philadelphia Inquirer
Friday December 2 1898 article described the first professional basketball game
In an Exceedingly close and Interesting Game the Jerseymen Win by the Score of 21-19
The Trenton and Hancock athletic association teams met last evening at Textile Hall in the opening game of the National Basket Ball League, and after 40 minutes of hard and fast playing Trenton was the victor by the score of 21-19.
This was the first appearance of the Trenton team in Philadelphia and everyone present were prepared to see some of the passing of which they are famous for. The audience couldn’t have been disappointed, as the applause that greeted this kind of play was deafening.
About 900 people were present, and the cheers and hisses were mingled with good and bad playing.
No less than forty-one fouls were called during the game, and the people who were present unjustly hissed the referee who only enforced the new National League rules, which makes all rough playing and three men in a scrimmage fouls. The play had only started when Harrison ran with the ball and Ruckhardt scored the first point on a free throw, the first score in the National Leagur
The half ended by the score of 11 to 6 in favor of the Hancock, and victory looked perched on Hancock’s banner. The second half saw the fastest playing that has been witnessed in this city. Trenton showed great judgement in changing the attacks for the half, and undoubtedly won the game for Trenton. Although Hancock led during this half until ten minutes was left of time, when Trenton by fast playing won out, to the disappointment of the large crowd.
Both teams played a good game, but Hancock was undoubtedly the better in individual play, while Trenton excelled in team work. Of the 41 fouls called, 22 were called on Hancock and the rest on Trenton. Trenton scored 11 of their 23 points on foul throws and Hancock 9.
The line-up:
Trenton Players and Positions
Cooper and Lindsey – Attack… Stout and Bratton, Attack… Hamilton and Enderbock, Center… Cartledge, and Harrison Defense
Hancock Players and Position
West and Reichhardt, Attack… King, Center… Kendig and Hackett, Defense
Goals from field: Hackett 3, Cooper 2, Bratton 2, Harrison, West, Reickhardt
Goals from line: Lindsey 7, Reickhardt 9, Stout 1, Cooper 3
Fouls: Kendig 6, West 6, King 6, Reickhardt 2, Hackett 2, Stout 2, Harrison 4, Cartledge 2, Hamilton 3, Enderbock 2, Lindsey 1
Referee: E.C. Rutsckman
Time: 20 minute halves
Notes by Basketball Historian – spelling and wording correct as it was in newspaper story. As was the custom in this era no first names were given.
And, the name of the player who scored the first basket was spelled three different ways, Ruckhardt, Reichhardt, Reickhardt.
Notes #2: We can safely verify some of the above first names but cannot
Ruckhardt, nor Hamilton, nor any of the other Hancock players.
The following from Archives
Trenton Players for first League Game December 2 1898
Al Cooper, Billy Lindsay, Harry Stout, Al Bratton, Gus Enderbrock, George Cartledge, Bill Harrison
Due to financial problems the Hancock Athletic Association dropped out of the National Basket Ball Association after compiling a 0-6 with one tie record. So, all of its records, including players names and stats were lost.
Archives records show Hancock players failed to show up for a game in Camden New Jersey on December 31 1898. Team manager Theodore E Nichols was fined $50 and the Hancock franchise was annulled.
All-Time Collegiate Winning Streaks - 1900-1999
Top Winning Streaks in College Basketball History:
- UCLA 1974-1988 - 88 Consecutive Wins
- San Francisco 1957-1955 - 60 Consecutive Wins
UCLA 1966-1968 - 1966-1968 - 47 Consecutive Wins
UNLV 1990-1991 - 45 Consecutive Wins
- Texas 1913-1917 - 44 Consecutive Wins
- Seton Hall 1939-1941 - 43 Consecutive Wins
UCLA 1968-1969 - 41 Consecutive Wins
- Marquette 1970-1971 - 39 Consecutive Wins
- Cincinnati 1962-1963 - 37 Consecutive Wins
North Carolina 1957-1958 - 37 Consecutive Wins
Top Home Winning Streaks from 1900-1999:
Consecutive Wins:
Kentucky 1943-1955 - 129 Wins... St. Bonaventure
1948-1961 - 99 Wins... UCLA 1970-1976 - 98 Wins...
Cincinnati 1957-1964 - 86 Wins... Arizona 1945-1951 -
81 Wins... Marquette 1967-1973 - 81 Wins... Lamar
1978-1984 - 80 Wins... Long Beach St. 1968-1974 -
75 Wins... UNLV 1974-1978 - 72 Wins... Arizona
1987-1992 - 71 Wins
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